Illness & Health Care Plan

Illness and Health Care Plan

It is required that a child be kept home or will be sent home from childcare if he/she has:

  • A fever (must be fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication)
  •  An infectious runny nose (green)
  •  A severe cough
  •  Been vomiting within the last 24 hours
  •  Been on antibiotics less than 24 hours  
  • 3 or more episodes of diarrhea in a 24 hour period
  • Suspicion of a communicable disease or contagious rash

If a child becomes ill while at the center, parents will be contacted to pick up the child. In the event the center is unable to contact anyone, the child will be separated from the program (as not to expose the other children), and made as comfortable as possible until a parent or designated person arrives. No medication will be administered without written parent permission. It is imperative that you not send your child when he/she is ill or has a possibly contagious disease. In the event of a contagious ailment, please report it to the center in order that we may inform other parents as well as the health department. If staff suspects a communicable disease or contagious rash, parents will be notified and a doctors note will be required to return to childcare.

We follow the Oakland County Health Departments recommendations for excluding children from care when a contagious disease is present. The link for the reference chart is available below as well as on the main childcare page.

All children and staff are to wash hands before handling food, after use of restroom, and regularly during the day. Hand washing signs are posted on either the sink mirror or paper towel dispenser and at elementary schools.

Staff must wear gloves at all times when handling children’s bodily fluids. Hands will be washed immediately after handling fluids. Soiled clothing is removed from child and placed in a plastic bag to be sent home.

All table surfaces are cleaned and sanitized between each activity. Toys are sanitized once a week, daily in Infant and Toddler rooms, with a mixture of bleach and water. Custodians clean rooms in the evening including sinks and bathrooms.

Children exhibiting signs of infection are separated from other children and sent home immediately. All surfaces and toys are disinfected. Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of illness so procedures are gone over with children to ensure proper technique. Parents are made aware of when their child may be excluded from child care. Communicable disease charts (follow link below) are posted for staff to be aware of symptoms.